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KAM Appliances Announces New Program to Benefit Habitat Cape Cod

KAM Appliances of Hyannis, Hanover, and Nantucket is partnering with Habitat Cape Cod to donate all the appliances for our upcoming builds. Each new home will receive a brand-new dishwasher, range, refrigerator, washer and dryer. KAM will also donate any unsellable but working appliances (dents/dings) to our two ReStore locations in Falmouth and Yarmouth, where they will be sold to the public at a discount. Funds raised from the sale of these donated items will help Habitat continue our affordable home building program enabling Cape Cod families to remain a vital part of our community.

“KAM has been a great partner to Habitat Cape Cod for many years,  but this donation of all appliances for our new homes is truly incredible!” Wendy Cullinan, Habitat Cape Cod President and CEO.

 “The synergy between Habitat Cape Cod, countless volunteers, and local families is truly remarkable. We’re honored to be a part of this important mission to help families thrive on Cape Cod,” stated Kevin Gralton, co-owner of KAM Appliances.