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Why Donate?

Thank you for your interest in supporting Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod. We take our responsibility to supporters and those counting on our help seriously. Please know that each gift helps a family that needs decent shelter.

Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod is responsible for raising all of the money necessary to construct affordable homes and maintain its operations. By partnering with volunteers and homeowners, we keep our construction costs down, but in today’s building climate, it still costs over $300,000 to build one of our homes. We work very hard to keep our administrative overhead costs down; over 85 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to construction and family services expenses. Building decent, affordable homes depends significantly on generous contributions and building support from individuals, corporations, local businesses, faith-based organizations, and youth groups.

There are many ways to donate to Habitat Cape Cod – and they are all easier than you may think!

Habitat Cape Cod is a tax-exempt 501(c) organization; all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

We are committed to our donors’ privacy. We will neither sell nor share any of our donor lists.

Ways to Donate to Habitat Cape Cod

A donation of $50,000 is considered a sponsorship of a Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod affordable home. Signage on the site during the construction of the home names you, your business, faith community, foundation or family as the sponsor of the home. Homes are sponsored to honor the memory of a loved one, to celebrate a wedding or anniversary, to show that your business supports the community or simply to show you care. You will be invited to help build the home (if that is something you would enjoy doing), meet the family and attend the wall raising and home dedication events. Publicity can be as much or as little as desired.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod home sponsor.


Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559  x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

Once upon a time you wanted to change the world.
You still can.

There are simple ways everyone can make a difference.

With a legacy gift to Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod, you can help us do what we do today, even better, for generations to come. These kinds of planned gifts are simple to arrange and often return benefits back to you.

For example, you can:

  • Make a gift today that costs you nothing during your lifetime
  • Receive guaranteed payments for life in return for your gift
  • Donate life insurance you no longer need
  • Give appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds
  • Preserve your estate for your heirs and support a cause you care about
  • Use a gift to reduce your estate tax exposure and eliminate capital gains
  • Donate your house or vacation property, take a tax deduction and continue to use the property for as long as you’d like

Best of all, you can leave a lasting statement about who you are and what you care about.

Contact us today for more information about how you can make a gift that endures for future


Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

Did you know that you can set up your gift to Habitat Cape Cod by giving monthly? This is a great and easy way to give critical funds to ensure our home building stays on target every month. As an example, sometimes it is much easier to give $25 a month instead of a lump sum of $300. We will charge the card of your choosing each month until you want to stop, get a new card, or need to change the amount at any time.

“There are a couple of reasons for monthly amounts. First, it is easier than writing one large check at the end of the year when we get requests from many charities. Second, it makes it automatic so we don’t forget. Third, it provides Habitat Cape Cod with reliable steady income throughout the year. Habitat Cape Cod is very important to life on Cape Cod and we can no longer do the construction work but we can support it financially.”
– Jake Ketchum, Monthly Donor

Enroll Online

Enroll today online


Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

Did you know that you can set up your gift to Habitat Cape Cod by giving monthly? This is a great and easy way to give critical funds to ensure our home building stays on target every month. As an example, sometimes it is much easier to give $25 a month instead of a lump sum of $300. We will charge the card of your choosing each month until you want to stop, get a new card, or need to change the amount at any time.

“There are a couple of reasons for monthly amounts. First, it is easier than writing one large check at the end of the year when we get requests from many charities. Second, it makes it automatic so we don’t forget. Third, it provides Habitat Cape Cod with reliable steady income throughout the year. Habitat Cape Cod is very important to life on Cape Cod and we can no longer do the construction work but we can support it financially.”
– Jake Ketchum, Monthly Donor

Enroll Online

Enroll today online


Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

For any occasion:

  • In honor of someone special
  • In memory of a loved one
  • Celebrate a holiday, birthday, or special occasion
  • Acknowledge an achievement
  • Thank your customer(s)
  • Honor and thank your employee(s)

Tribute and memorial gifts are a great way to provide support for families who are in need of decent, safe, and affordable homes. Your recipient(s) will be notified by a beautiful card sent via postal mail.



Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

Consider giving a gift of securities and mutual funds to Habitat Cape Cod
Giving securities or mutual funds to Habitat Cape Cod can have significant financial advantages for you, while ensuring Habitat continues to build.
A gift of securities can be made by either:

  • Transfer the securities from a brokerage account to Habitat’s account or
  • Send the securities to us with a cover note and (under separate cover) a signed stock or bond power form.

Benefits to you:

  • You may be able to take a tax deduction for the full, fair market value for securities that have increased in value.
  • You pay no capital gains tax on any appreciated assets you contribute.
  • You have the satisfaction of making a significant gift to Habitat Cape Cod.
  • Transfer securities from a brokerage account

For more information


Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

  • Event Sponsorship
  • Matching Gifts

Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours as well. By doubling the impact of each gift, your employees know that their employer supports them in helping families in their community.

We would be happy to offer a presentation to your employees about Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod.



Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod gladly accepts in-kind donations and deeply discounted construction materials and services from industry professionals. These donations assist us in reaching our home building goals each year. Donations of materials and services are very advantageous to us as they greatly reduce our construction costs.

Building materials that cannot be used on our homes will be sold at our Habitat ReStore where proceeds directly benefit HHCC’s home building program.



Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

A benefit event or third party event is when a business, organization or individual(s) plans and hosts a fundraiser in support of Habitat Cape Cod. The net proceeds of the event are given as a donation to Habitat Cape Cod. Both the host and Habitat Cape Cod will promote the event. Sample ideas of benefit events include:

A party, tournament, concert, talent show, garage sale, a “wear your jeans to work” day for $5 or $10 per person, collect “nickels for nails” in a classroom



Tara Cronin
Director of Resource Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x16
Email: tara@habitatcapecod.org

Habitat Solar Homes

Did you know you can donate your excess solar net metering electric credits to Habitat Cape Cod? Well you can!

Net Metering Gift Guidelines

We have recently received several donations of credits which are helping to offset our office and ReStore electric expenses.  We are very grateful for these donations! 

Twice a year, Eversource allows homeowners to update their Schedule Z form by which you may allocate credits to any public, private or nonprofit entity. The credits may be apportioned at 100% or less. As these credits never expire and roll over month to month, some individuals, particularly “snow birds” who leave the Cape in winter, are finding they are accumulating credits they never use. Such credits can be put to good use here at Habitat!

If you are interested in donating your net metering credits


Beth Wade
Director of Land Acquisition & Project Development
Phone: 508-362-3559 x 24
Email: land@habitatcapecod.org

Thank you for considering this donation to Habitat Cape Cod!

Build with Bitcoin (or ETH or any cryptocurrency!)
Your generous support will help us build afford homes on Cape Cod to enable generational change to our homeowners.

Learn More…

Did You Know?

Habitat for Humanity:

  • Is a non-profit
  • Help families find a home
  • Partners with homeowners & volunteers
  • Donations are tax deductible

Our Sponsors

Donate Today! Here's what your gift buys:


30 Lbs. of Nails


1 Bedroom Door


5 Sheets of Plywood


1 Exterior Door


Windows for 2 Bedrooms


Installs Kitchen Countertops in 1 Home


Apply for a Home