Here are some frequently asked questions....
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that works in partnership with individuals, businesses, congregations, schools, and civic groups to build affordable homes for local families living in situations of critical housing need. We were founded in 1988 as a recognized affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International.
Our service area is all 15 towns in Barnstable County: Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Falmouth, Harwich, Mashpee, Orleans, Provincetown, Sandwich, Truro, Wellfleet, and Yarmouth.
Currently, a three-bedroom Habitat house on Cape Cod costs the homeowner an average of $168,000. The average monthly payment for our homes is between $650 and $800 per month, including taxes and insurance. We charge no profit when we sell the home, and our homes are sold with either a no- or a very low-interest mortgage. All homes are deed-restricted to be affordable in perpetuity.
Much of our funding comes from individuals who believe that everyone deserves a decent place to live. Other funds come from our partners: faith partners, businesses, civic groups, and foundations. Community Preservation grants have been important to our work in recent years, and net profit from our ReStores provides significant funding. Grants or government funding help with roads and other infrastructure costs. We also seek donations of land, building materials, and other in-kind gifts. Finally, monthly mortgage payments and funds from home sales are used to build more homes for more families.
Some land is donated outright by individuals, or by towns looking to meet local needs and increase their affordable housing inventory. Other land is sold to us at “Habitat-friendly” prices. And at times, we purchase land using grant money from a town’s community preservation act funds.
Anyone can volunteer in a variety of ways! Construction volunteers, (experienced or not) and ReStore volunteers are encouraged to sign up for shifts using our on-line system Habitat Connect. We also have many non-construction volunteer opportunities – from sitting on our Board or serving on one of our many committees, to baking snacks, or helping in our office. Donations, no matter what size, are also essential to our work. We are grateful to all those who contribute time, talent, or treasure to help us complete our mission.
Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod is one of more than 1,500 active affiliates of Habitat for Humanity International, which was founded on the Christian principles of fellowship, charity, and service. Exercising the theology of the hammer, Habitat’s unique partnership includes and welcomes people of diverse faiths – or no faith – and backgrounds at all levels.
Like many Habitat affiliates, we tithe a portion of our unrestricted income to help build homes overseas through Habitat for Humanity’s global initiatives.
Our tithe supports work in Cote d’Ivoire and the Orphans and Vulnerable Group. Habitat Côte d’Ivoire’s work focuses on community-led efforts on water, sanitation, and hygiene, saving and building houses, and advocacy for land property. The Orphans and Vulnerable Groups Fund provides adequate shelter and other interventions for particularly vulnerable communities worldwide. These groups – children who have lost one or both parents, people living with a disease or disability, and marginalized people facing social exclusion – are confronted by many barriers to escaping chronic poverty and inadequate housing.
Is there a need for Habitat’s services?
The typical home value of homes in Barnstable County is $670,000. This value is seasonally adjusted and only includes the middle price tier of homes. Barnstable County home values have gone up 15.2% over the past year.